President, DISTED College
Professor in Sustainable Tourism, Wawasan Open University
Research specialisation:
Sustainable and Responsible Tourism;
Rural Tourism; Ecotourism Management;
Environmental Management;
Community-based Tourism; Green Tourism

Refereed Conference Proceedings
Nair, V. and Daud, M. (1996). Development and effect on flora: a case study in Langkawi. Proceedings for the Comprehensive expert systems for environmental impact assessment evaluation, approval and monitoring. Kuala Lumpur. 17 Dec 1996.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Nathan, and Ramli, A.R. (1998). Expert systems for terrestrial vegetation distribution, potential impact and mitigation abatement measures. Proceedings for the Second seminar and ES demonstration on Comprehensive expert systems for environmental impact assessment evaluation, approval and monitoring. Kuala Lumpur. 17-18 February 1998.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Nathan and Ramli, A.R. (1998). Terrestrial vegetation management expert system for environmental impact. Proceedings of the international conference on computer applications in environmental engineering (CAEE). Organized by IEM and ITM. Kuala Lumpur. 29-30 September 1998.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Ganapathi, N. and Ramli, A.R. Prototype Expert System (ES) to Determine the Potential Impact and Mitigation Measures for Agricultural Development. Proceedings for the National Conference on Smart Farming for the Next Millennium. 14-16 March 1999, UPM, Malaysia
Dani, N., Nair, V., and Daud, M. A Smart Field Management Computerised System Prototype for Immature and Mature Oil Palm Plantation. Proceedings for the National Conference on Smart Farming for the Next Millennium. 14-16 March 1999, UPM, Malaysia
Nair, V. And Daud, M. (2001). The challenges of E-Learning: Managing and Maximising Opportunities. Proceedings for the First Hospitality and Tourism Educators’ Association of Malaysia (TEAM) National Conference. 14-16 June 2001, Park Plaza, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2001) Prototype Ecotourism Rating Expert System (ecotourES) based on Safety, Health and Environment. Proceedings for the Engineering Conference & Exhibition. 3-4 October 2001, UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2001) Expert Rating System: Application for Sustainable Ecotourism Management Based on Safety, Health & Environment. Proceedings for the Malaysian Science & Technology Congress 2001 (MSTC 2001): Symposium C-Information & Communication Technology. 8-10 November 2001, USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2001) Expert Ecotourism Rating Expert System. Proceedings of the third conference on Ecotourism Innovations and Expert System Application for Sustainable Management Based on Safety, Health and Environment. 26 October 2001, UPM, Serdang, Malaysia.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2002). Sustainable Ecotourism Management: An Expert Rating System Approach. Proceedings of the International Ecotourism Colloquium 2002: Sustaining the Business of Ecotourism. 17-18 January 2002, Crowne Plaza Riverside Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2002). A National Domestic Tele-Survey on Ecotourism Awareness towards Conservation and Sustainable Management in Peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the Asia Science and Technology Conference (ASTC 2002). Hotel Nikko, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 14-27 April 2002
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2002). Expert Sustainable Management Web-Based Kit for Ecotourism Rating. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development. Hotel Nikko, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 18-20 July 2002.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2002). Expert Rating System: A Sustainable Management Solution for Ecotourism Sites in Peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the Second World Engineering Congress. Crowne Plaza Riverside Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 22-25 July 2002
Nair, V. And Alfred Lim (2003). The Paradigm Shift of Hotel Reservation in the Information Era: A Case in the Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference on Hospitality, Foodservice &Tourism Research and Education: The Asian Waves. Seoul, South Korea, 21 – 23 May 2003
Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z., Nair, V., and Shokouhi, M. (2003). Development of an Internet-Based Malaysian Ecotourism-Site Rating Expert System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, e-Medicine, and Mobile Technologies on the Internet. Rome, Italy, 28 July- 3 August 2003.
Nair, V. (2003). Prototype Expert System Shell for Reliable Evaluation of Practical Based Assessment in Hospitality Education. Proceedings of the Malaysian Educational Research Association (MERA) Conference 2003. Universiti Tenaga National, Malayisa. 11 – 13 September 2003.
Nair, V., Daud, M., and Badaie, M.Z. (2003). Applying the Expert System Technology to Evaluate Ecotourism Sites Based on Safety, Health and Environmental Quality Assurance. Proceedings of the 2nd Tourism Educators’ Association of Malaysia (TEAM) Conference 2003. Intekma Resort & Convention Centre, Shah Alam, Malaysia. 11 – 12 October 2003.
Hema Subramonian, Nair, V. And Alice Mathew (2003). Instructional Information and Communication Technology: Opportunities and Impediments to Hospitality and Tourism Educators. Proceedings of the 2nd Tourism Educators’ Association of Malaysia (TEAM) Conference 2003. Intekma Resort & Convention Centre, Shah Alam, Malaysia. 11 – 12 October 2003.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2003). An ICT Approach Towards Ecotourism Rating. Proceedings of the WTO Asia-Pacific Seminar on Sustainability Certification of Tourism Activities. Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11-13 December 2003.
Nair, V. And Ragavan, N.A. (2004). A Concept Paper towards Implementation of Bachelor’s Degree in Business IT Specialising in e-Tourism for Private Higher Education Institution in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference 2004. Phuket, Thailand May 27-29, 2004.
Subramonian, H., Nair, V., Mathew, A. And Ong, S.F. (2004). Perception of Hospitality and Toursim Educators towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Pedagogy in Education (A Malaysian Context in the Year 2004). Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference 2004. Phuket, Thailand May 27-29, 2004.
Nair, V., Daud, M., Badaie, M.Z. and Mohd, A. (2004). Technological Approach in Ecotourism Rating and Management in Peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference 2004. Phuket, Thailand May 27-29, 2004.
Nair, V. And Ragavan, A.P. (2004). Application of Ecotourism Principles in a Selected Eco-Site in Malaysia: A Case in Summerset Colonial Hotel and Villas at Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 3rd National Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia (TEAM) Conference 2004. KDU College, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 30 September – 1 October 2004.
Nair, V., Daud, M. And Ragavan, P.A. (2005). Application of Ecotourism Rating in a Selected Eco-Site in Malaysia: A Case in Summerset Colonial Hotel and Villas at Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Tourism Conference on Tourism Development. Grand Plaza Parkroyal Hotel, Penang, Malaysia. 9-11 January 2005.
Subramonian, H. And Nair, V. (2005). Managing Business Risk in Digital Era. Proceedings of the Universiti Malaya Faculty of Business Administration Conference (UM-FBA) 2004. Grand Parkroyal, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 14-15 April, 2005.
Goh, S.S. & Nair, V. (2005). An Exploratory Study on Bicycle Tour as Niche Market Tour Package in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference 2005. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. May 26-28, 2005.
Nair, V. (2005). Ecotourism Best Practice Initiatives in a Resort: A Case Study in Summerset at Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. Proceedings of 3rd Global Summit on Peace through Tourism – Education Forum. Pattaya, Thailand – Oct. 2-5, 2005.
Nair, V. (2005). Ecotourism Certification &Rating: Are We Ready? Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Ecotourism Conference 2005. Johore Bahru, Malaysia – August 17-20, 2005.
Nair, V. (2006). The Tsunami Impact on Tourism Industry. Proceedings of the 4th National Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia (TEAM) Conference 2006. Hotel Singgahsana, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 9-10 March 2006.
Nair, V. (2006). Understanding the Perception of Tourism Landscape in Langkawi, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) & 12th Asia-Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2006. Hualien, Taiwan. 26-29 June 2006.
Nair, V. (2006). The Seeds of Research in Private Colleges and University-Colleges in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study. Proceedings of Taylor’s College Teaching & Learning Conference 2006. Taylor’s College, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 2nd September 2006.
Nair, V. (2006). Developing Benchmarks for Ecotourism Certification in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Asia-Euro Tourism, Culture & Gastronomy Conference 2006. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 9-10 November 2006.
Nair, V. & Hurnath, C. (2006). The Contribution of the Hospitality & Tourism Higher Education Institution on Poverty Alleviation among the Disabled Community in Malaysia. Proceedings of UNESCAP-Groupe Developpement Seminar on “Tourism and Poverty Reduction”. United Nation Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. 29 November 2006.
Nair, V. & Azmi, R. (2006). Understanding the Perception of Tourism Landscape in Langkawi, Malaysia: Responsible Tourism Landscape in Langkawi, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) & 12th Asia-Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2006. Hualien, Taiwan. 26-29 June 2006.
Hurnath, C. & Nair, V. (2007). The contribution of Higher Educational Hospitality and Tourism Institutions in the Development and welfare of vulnerable communities: A Case study of Taylor’s School of Hospitality. Proceedings of the 5th APAC-CHRIE and 13th APTA Joint Conference 2007. Beijing, China. 24- 27 May 2007.
Nair, V. (2007). The Coming ‘Asian Waves’ of Tourism, Hotel & Event Education: The Malaysian Experience. Proceedings of the 5th APAC-CHRIE and 13th APTA Joint Conference 2007, Beijing, China. 24- 27 May 2007.
Nair, V. and Hurnath, C. (2007). Alleviating poverty among the vulnerable community in Malaysia via tourism: A private higher education institution approach in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 2007 International CHRIE Conference. Dallas, Texas, USA. 25-29 July 2007.
Nair, V. (2007). Trends in Asia-Pacific Tourism, Hotel & Event Education. Proceedings for the 2007 International CHRIE Conference & Marketplace. Dallas, Texas, USA. 25-29 July 2007.
Devi, B. & Nair, V. (2007). First-Year Experience of International Students in Hospitality & Tourism Programme: A Private Higher Education Viewpoint. Proceedings of the 5th Tourism Educators Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Penang, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 3 – 4 August 2007. ISBN: 978-983-3986-46-0
Daya, P. and Nair, V. (2007). Effectiveness of Computer-based Learning for Practical Hospitality Subjects: A Quickdo(TM) approach in the Hospitality Programme. Proceedings of the 3rd ERITA-Asia Seminar. 30-31 October 2007. Taylor’s Graduate School, Malaysia.
Nair, V. (2008). Industry Relevance in Education: The Malaysian Scene. Proceedings of the 6th APAC-CHRIE Conference THE-ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008. Perth, Australia. 21-24 May 2008.
Nair, V. (2008). Alleviating Poverty via Tourism Development: Mega Development Projects in Malaysia towards Vision 2020. Proceedings of the 1st International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) European Conference. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. 21-24 October 2008.
Nair, V. (2008). Responsible Ecotourism Management in Malaysia: Tracking Mechanism Using Knowledge Elicitation System. Proceedings of the RARC (Rikkyo Amusement Research Centre) International Conference 2008. 3-4 November 2008. USM, Penang, Malaysia. [ISBN: 978-4-903985-01-5]
Nair, V. (2008). Transferring Know-How from Developing Country to Least Developed Countries (LDC) – Poverty Alleviation Strategy via Tourism in Malaysia’s Mega Development Corridor Projects. Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Euro Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2008. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 20-21 November 2008.
Nair, V. And Tarride, C. (2009) Community-based Tourism (CBT) Project: A Case Study of the Homestay Initiative of Tasik Bera’s Semelai Tribe in Peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the 7th APAC-CHRIE Conference 2009. Singapore. 28-31 May 2009. [ISBN: 978-981-08-3221-6]
Nair, V. (2009). Tasik Bera's Semelai Tribe in Peninsular Malaysia: Viability of Achieving Conservation Goals through Community based Tourism (CBT). Proceedings of the World Ecotourism Conference 2009. 15-18 July, Vientiane, Laos PDR.
Nair, V. (2010). Leading the Way Towards Sustainability: The Taylor’s Lakeside Campus Approach. Proceedings of International Conference of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET). 21-23 June 2010, Brunei Darussalam.
Nair, V. (2010). Is Ecotourism Really Responsible Tourism. Proceedings of Tourism Destination Development Conference. 28 September 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Nair, V. (2010). Tourism in the Economic Transformation Plan. Proceedings of Regional Conference on Tourism Research.14 December 2010, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
Nair, V. (2011). Moving the Industry towards Responsible Tourism. Proceedings of the Environmental Development Conference. 12-13 April 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Nair, V. & Coughlin, E. (2011). Alleviating Poverty via Community Based Tourism: A Case Study of the Kelabit Community in Bario, Sarawak. Proceedings of the Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference. 19-24 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nair, V. (2011). Conceptualizing a National Multi-Dimensional Responsible Rural Tourism Capacity (RRTC) Framework: A Malaysian Approach towards High Yield via Sustainable Tourism. Proceedings of the 3rd World Ecotourism Conference 2011. 3-5 October 2011, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia.
Nair, V. & Badaruddin, M. (2011). Responsible Rural Tourism Capacity (RRTC) Framework: A National Approach towards Sustainable Tourism. Proceedings of the e-Bario Knowledge Fair 3 2011, 16-18 November 2011. Bario, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Siow, M. L., Ramachandran, S., & Nair, V. (2011). Scoping the potentials and pitfalls of rural tourism policies: a constructivist perspective. Proceedings of the 5th International Panel of Experts in Tourism and Hospitality Tourism (THE-ICE) Conference, 23-25 November 2011. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Pakshir, L. & Nair, V. (2011). Sustainability of Homestay as a Form of Community Based Tourism in Rural Community in Bavanat-Iran. Proceedings of the 5th International Panel of Experts in Tourism and Hospitality Tourism (THE-ICE) Conference, 23-25 November 2011. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Nair, M., Ramachandran, S. & Nair, V. (2011). A Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach for Responsible Rural Tourism. Proceedings of the 5th International Panel of Experts in Tourism and Hospitality Tourism (THE-ICE) Conference, 23-25 November 2011. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Prabhakaran, S., Nair, V. & Ramachandran, S. (2011). Identifying the Challenges Impacting Water Resources Management Caused by Various Stakeholders in the Rural Tourism Setting in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 5th International Panel of Experts in Tourism and Hospitality Tourism (THE-ICE) Conference, 23-25 November 2011. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Koshy, N., Shuib, A., Ramachandran, S., Herman, S. & Nair, V. (2011). Exploring Economic Valuation and Impact of Rural Tourism: A Post Positivist Perspective. Proceedings of the 5th International Panel of Experts in Tourism and Hospitality Tourism (THE-ICE) Conference, 23-25 November 2011. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Siow, M. L., Ramachandran, S., & Nair, V. (2012). Aligning the context of rural tourism policies in Sabah. Paper accepted at the 5th International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL), 9-12 July 2012. Bangkok, Thailand.
Siow, M. L., Ramachandran, S., Shuib, A., Nair, M., Prabhakaran, S., & Nair, V. (2012). Rural resources as tourism capital: The case of Setiu Wetlands. Proceeding of the Regional Symposium on Rural Tourism: Scaling up Community-Based Ecotourism, 18 May 2012. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Yeo, A.W., Nair, V., Songan, P., Kulathuramaiyer, N., Lo, M. C., & Mohamad, A. A. (2012). ICT in Community Based Tourism in Bario, Sarawak: Improvements on Social Economic Development. Proceeding of the Regional Symposium on Rural Tourism: Scaling up Community-Based Ecotourism, 18 May 2012. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Nair, V., Uma Thevi, M., Sushila Devi, R. & King, N. (2012). Redefining Rural Tourism in Malaysia: Moving the Industry up the Value Chain. Proceeding of the Regional Symposium on Rural Tourism: Scaling up Community-Based Ecotourism, 18 May 2012. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Chia, K.W., Shuib, A., Ramachandran, S., Herman, S., Nair, V., Nurul Azwa, A. (2012). Applicability of Inclusive Business Model for Sustainable Community Based Tourism Development in Taman Negara Malaysia, Kuala Tahan Pahang, Malaysia. Proceeding of the Regional Symposium on Rural Tourism: Scaling up Community-Based Ecotourism, 18 May 2012. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Nair, V. (2012). Innovating Responsible Rural Tourism: Scaling-up the Industry towards High Yield. Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Responsible Tourism 2012 (RTD6), ISBN: 978-989-20-4016-5. 18-20 June 2012. Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Nair, V., Lo, M.C. & Singh, S. (2012). Tourism and Economic Transformation Programme: The Case of Malaysia. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual summit on Business and Entrepreneurial Studies. Kuching, Sarawak. 15-16 Oct 2012. [ISI indexed].
Lo, M.C., Nair, V., Songan, P. & Hui, L.H. (2013). Assessing the Impact of Rural Tourism Development on the Destination Environment: A Local Communities' Perspective. Proceedings of the BEST Education Network Think Tank XIII. 23-26 June 2013. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Uma Thevi, M., Sushila Devi, Mura, P. & Nair, V. (2013). Local Residents’ Involvement in Rural Tourism: The Case of KOPEL in Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. Proceedings of the BEST Education Network Think Tank XIII. 23-26 June 2013. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Tanuja, V., Nair, V. & Ramachandran, S. (2013). Conceptualizing a Corporate Social Performance (CSP) Framework for Rural Tourism Destinations: Measuring Tourist Satisfaction to Increase Revisitation. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Lee, S.W. & Nair, V. (2013). Conceptualizing a framework to study the tourist choice of transport in rural tourism destination. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Sunita Devi, A. & Nair, V. (2013). Conceptualizing Carbon Footprint And Offset Measures For Rural Tourism Destinations. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Chin, C.H., Lo, M.C., Songan, P. & Nair, V. (2013). Rural Tourism Destination Competitiveness: The Moderating Impact of Communities Support. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Chiao, L.Y. & Nair, V. (2013). Conceptualizing a Safety and Security Framework of Tourists’ Perception and Travel Behavior in Rural Destinations. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Sook, F.F., Lo, M.C., Songan, P. & Nair, V. (2013). Conceptualizing Stakeholder’s Perception toward Tourism Performance in Rural Areas of Malaysia: The Moderating Impact of Relationship Building. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Tay, K.X. Kim, J., Nair, V. & Ramachandran, S. (2013). Conceptualizing a research framework for tour operators’ motivation and practices in responsible rural tourism development. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Abdallah, J.O. & Nair, V. (2013). Conceptualizing Framework for Analysing the Sanitation Behaviour of Local Communities in Rural Tourism Destination. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Khosravi, S., Badaruddin, M. & Nair, V. (2013). Conceptualizing a Community Capacity Building Framework for Tourism Development. 12th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism (APF) & 5th Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC). 27-29 June 2013. Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
Prabhakaran, S., Nair, V. & Ramachandran, S. (2013). Community Participatory Approach of Waste Mitigation in the Marine Environment of Semporna. Proceeding of the International Forestry Graduate Students’ Conference 2013. 2-4 July 2013. UPM.
Lo, M.C., Songan, P., Ramayah, T., Yeo, A. & Nair, V. (2013). Rural Tourism Development. Industry’s Perspectives on Sustainable Tourism. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. Vol. 65. pp. 14-18. (EBSCO Indexed)
Hamzah, A., Nair, V. & Mohamed, B. (2013). Community Based Tourism as a Catalyst for Rural Empowerment and Revitalisation: Does it Flatter to Deceive? Proceedings of the International Conference on Rural Tourism 2013. Aveiro, Portugal: 4-6 Sept 2013
Adeyinka-Ojo, S.F., Lattimore, C.K. & Nair, V. (2014). Developing Rural Tourism Destination Brand Indicators Using Qualitative Approach. Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference 2014. 21-24 May 2014. Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa and Taylor's University, Malaysia
Prabhakaran, S., Nair, V. & Ramachandran, S. (2014). Community Participation in Rural Tourism: Towards a Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Euro Conference 2014 in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy in conjunction with: 4th Responsible Rural Tourism Symposium (RRTS) 2014. 19-21 May 2014. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Khosravi, S., Mohamed, B. & Nair, V. (2014). Identifying Dimensions of Community Capacity. Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Euro Conference 2014 in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy in conjunction with: 4th Responsible Rural Tourism Symposium (RRTS) 2014. 19-21 May 2014. Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Chiao, L.Y., Lattimore, C.K. & Nair, V. (2014). Tourist Risk Perception at Marine Destination in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference 2014. 21-24 May 2014. Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa and Taylor's University, Malaysia
Nair, V. (2014). Conceptualising Carbon Footprint and Offset Measures for Rural Tourism Destinations. Proceedings of the Sustainable Resource Development in the Himalaya Conference. 24-26 June 2014. Leh, Ladarkh, India. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1616.1606.
Le Dez, D. & Nair, V. (2014). Drivers for Malaysian Small and Medium-Sized Hotels to Adopt Environmental Practices: An Analysis from the Stakeholders Perspective. Proceedings of the 8th Graduate Research Colloquium. 28 November 2014. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Rawat, K., Bouchon, F. & Nair, V. (2014). Exploring the Role of Innovation in Rural Areas of ASEAN: Linking Tourism and TEVT for Socio-Economic Transformation. Proceedings of the 8th Graduate Research Colloquium. 28 November 2014. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Adeyinka-Ojo, S.F. & Nair, V (2014). Rethinking Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques in Case Studies Destination Branding Tourism Research. Proceedings of the 8th Graduate Research Colloquium. 28 November 2014. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Nair, V., Nathan, J. & Ramchand, T.G. (2014). Conceptualising a Framework in Evaluating a Collaboration Model Using Technology for Developing Lesson Contents. Proceedings of the 7th Teaching and Learning Conference 2014. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.[Scopus Index via Springer].
Mohamad Noor, F.A., Nair, V. & Mura, P. (2014). Rail Travel: Conceptualising a Study on Slow Tourism Approaches in Sustaining Rural Development. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR). 9-11 December 2014. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Adeyinka-Ojo, S.F., Nair, V. & Lattimore, C.K. (2014). Case Studies Approach in Tourism Destination Branding Research Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR). 9-11 December 2014. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Prabhakaran, S. & Nair, V. (2015). Direct and Indirect Community Affiliation as a Tool to Mitogate Marine Waste in Semporna, Sabah: A Rural Tourism Setting. Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources, Tourism and Service Management. 14-16 April 2015. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Mohamad Noor, F.A., Nair, V. & Mura, P. (2015). Redefining Slow Tourism for Rural Destination: A Conceptual Study. Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (ATPA) Conference 2015. 14-17 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [ERA indexed]
Rawat, K., Bouchon, F. & Nair, V. (2015). Away from Home: Reflection of the Researcher Background and Community Experience. Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (ATPA) Conference 2015. 14-17 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [ERA indexed]
Fong, S.F., Lo, M.C. & Nair, V. (2015). The Impact of Local Communities’ Relationship Quality and Self-efficacy on Sustainable Rural Tourism Development. Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2015. 14-17 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [ERA indexed]
Gan, J.E. (2015). A Conceptual Appraisal Framework for the Institutional Structure of Rural Tourism in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2015. 14-17 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [ERA indexed]
Adeyinka-Ojo, S.F. & Nair, V. (2015). Towards Developing a Framework for Rural Tourism Destination Appeals. Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2015. 14-17 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [ERA indexed]
Nair, V. (2015). Langkawi’s Tourism Blueprint (2011-2015): Transformation from Rural Tourism to Developed Rural Tourism Destination. Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2015. 14-17 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [ERA indexed]
Baktash, A., Nair, V. & Subramonian, H. (2015). Tourist Acceptance of Augmented Reality (AR) Experience in Langkawi Geopark, Malaysia. 9th Graduate Research Colloquium 2015. 16 May 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Nair, V. (2015). Measuring the Immeasurable: A comparative study of the sustainability indicators or responsible rural tourism destinations. Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) in conjunction with14th APF Conference 2015. 10-12 June 2015. Auckland, New Zealand.
Adeyinka-Ojo, S.F., Nair, V. & Lattimore, C.K. (2015). Exploring the Critical Success Factors of Developing a Brand for Rural Tourism Destination. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Management, Tourism & Hospitality (BIZMATOUR) 2015. 12-14 May 2015. Malacca, Malaysia. (SCOPUS & ISI/SCI Indexed)
Mohamad Noor, F.A., Nair, V. & Mura, P. (2015). Conceptualising a Framework for Slow Tourism in a Rural Destination in Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Management, Tourism & Hospitality (BIZMATOUR) 2015. 12-14 May 2015. Malacca, Malaysia. (SCOPUS & ISI/SCI Indexed)
Prabhakaran, S., Nair, V. & Ramachandran, S. (2015). Direct and indirect community affiliation as a tool to mitigate marine waste in Semporna, Sabah a rural tourism setting. Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources, Tourism and Services Management 2015, 14-16 Apr. 2015, Hotel Promenade, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. pp. 46-50.
Nair, V., Hussain, K., Ali, F. & Singh, S. (2016). A Qualitative Approach in Benchmarking Beach Destinations to Re-vitalie Port Dickson as a Leading Beach Resort Tourism Destination in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 14th APacCHRIE Conference 2016. 11-13 May 2016. Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 1-21.
Bueno, H., Nair, V. & Torres, M. (2016). Conceptualising Farm to Table Tourism via Sustainable Organic Farming. Proceedings of the 14th APacCHRIE Conference 2016. 11-13 May 2016. Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 1-7.
Adeyinka-Ojo, S. & Nair, V. (2016). Destination Branding Framework in Tourism Research: A State-of-the-Art Gap Analysis. Proceedings of the 14th APacCHRIE Conference 2016. 11-13 May 2016. Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 1-10.
Baktash, A., Nair, V. & Subramonian, H. (2016). Parameters that Facilitate Tourists’ Acceptance of Using Wearable Augmented Reality Smart Glass in Geotourism Hotspots. Proceedings of the International Hospitality & Tourism Conference (IHTC) and International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT) 2016. 10-12 Oct 2016. Bandung, Indonesia. [SSCI & Scopus Index]
Baktash, A., Nair, V., Subramonian, H. & Ragavan, N.A. (2016). Conceptualising a framework to study behavioural intention of tourists of distinct cultures towards wearable Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Proceedings of the International Hospitality & Tourism Conference (IHTC) and International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT) 2016. 10-12 Oct 2016. Bandung, Indonesia. [SSCI & Scopus Index]
Adeyinka-Ojo, S. & Nair, V. (2016). Rural tourism destination accessibility: Exploring the stakeholders’ experience. Proceedings of the International Hospitality & Tourism Conference (IHTC) and International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT) 2016. 10-12 Oct 2016. Bandung, Indonesia. [SSCI & Scopus Index]
Nair, V., Hussain, K., Ali, F. & Ragavan, N. (2016). Re-vitalising Port Dickson as a leading beach resort tourism destination in Malaysia: A benchmarking approach. Proceedings of the International Hospitality & Tourism Conference (IHTC) and International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT) 2016. 10-12 Oct 2016. Bandung, Indonesia. [SSCI & Scopus Index]
Mognard, E., Tibère, L., Bala, P., Nair, V. & Poulain, J.P. (2016). How Participatory Could be Food Heritage Inventory? Reflective Account from Kelabit Food Heritage Inquiry. Proceedings of the 6th Asia Euro Conference 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2016. 9-12 Nov 2016. Gwalior, India.
Gan, J.E., Coanata, T. & Nair, V. (2016). Conservation Cost and Ecotourism in Malaysia: Multi-Faceted Aspects of Tourists’ Willingness to Pay. Proceedings of the 6th Asia Euro Conference 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2016. 9-12 Nov 2016. Gwalior, India.
Bueno, H.B., Nair, V. & Torres, M.D. (2016). Farm-to-Table Tourism: A Field Note on the Future of Agriculture and Food, Towards a Sustainable Farm-to-Table Restaurant Operation. Proceedings of the 6th Asia Euro Conference 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2016. 9-12 Nov 2016. Gwalior, India.
Nair, V. (2016). Tourism 2050: Conceptualising the Smart Management of Rural Tourism Towards Sustainability. Proceedings of the 6th Asia Euro Conference 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2016. 9-12 Nov 2016. Gwalior, India.
Adeyinka-Ojo, S. & Nair, V. (2016). A Narrative Analysis of Health Tourism in Selected Asia Destinations: Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the 6th Asia Euro Conference 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2016. 9-12 Nov 2016. Gwalior, India.
Adeyinka-Ojo, S. Khoo-Lattimore, C. & Nair, V. (2018). A relationship-based approach towards the construction of a rural tourism destination brand framework. Proceedings of the 8th International Borneo Business Conference 2018. 4-5 October 2018. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Nair, V. (2018). Responsible tourism development in small island destinations: Lighthouse point, Eleuthera debacle. University of The Bahamas Working Paper Series. No. 12, September 2018.
Adeyinka-Ojo & Nair, V. (2019). An integrated framework for stakeholder power and roles in developing rural tourism destination brand. Proceedings of the 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference. 22-25 May 2019. Hong Kong.